Register & log in

1. Sign in from the top right corner, click on the icon with the person's face, then click "my account" and "sign in."

2. If you don't have an account, click "Don't have an account yet? You can create one here." Fill in all fields (date of birth is optional) and click "Save". Your account has now been successfully created.


3. Select the category from the top menu bar.

4. To select a product you have to click on the product image. Select the quantity and size and click on the shopping cart icon.

5. If you want to continue shopping, click on the desired category again and go through the same process as in step "4".


6. If you want to make a purchase, click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right corner and select "buy"

7. Add an address. To do this, fill in the address addition form, fill in all the required fields, make sure the phone number field is filled, click on the "Continue".

8. Select the delivery method and read the terms and conditions of use, select the payment method, select the bank that suits you, click on the bank icon.

9. A link to the selected bank will be displayed. Please confirm your order by clicking on the "Confirm order".


10. Log in to the bank, after paying for the order, click on the "Back to merchant".

11. The order confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address you entered. You have the right to return or exchange products within 14 days from the date of receipt of the order. We will return the cost of the goods to you or exchange for another product if you wish.